Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy is a gentle, relaxing, non-invasive, remedial soft tissue therapy. The results of a Bowen treatment are often profound, although only light pressure is used on the body. It can provide fast, long-lasting relief from pain and discomfort. In many cases, only a few treatments are required to relieve the symptoms being experienced.
What to expect
The treatment comprises of placing pressure against a muscle, ligament or tendon, then gently rolling over that area. This rolling over effect stimulates the muscle to become hydrated and releases tension previously held within that muscle. Reduced pain, increased flexibility and mobility generally occur.
Throughout the treatment there are short breaks between the moves. These wait periods allow time for the body to recognise that it has been holding on to tension. The pauses give time for the body to process changes in muscle tension, thus allowing it to return to a relaxed state.
Who can benefit from Bowen Therapy?
Everyone can benefit from a Bowen Therapy treatment, from babies to the elderly. It may assist with both old and new injuries, whether from sport, work, accidents and general daily ailments. Both physical and emotional conditions will benefit from Bowen. It is a very relaxing therapy.
How long is a treatment?
A treatment will generally take between 45 minutes to an hour for an adult. For babies it is only a couple of minutes and time varies for children, depending on their age and their ailment.
Benefits of Bowen Therapy
Many conditions will respond to a Bowen Therapy treatment, some of which include:
Headaches and migraines
Stress and anxiety
Digestive issues
Neck and jaw pain
Respiratory and asthma complaints
Back pain and Sciatica
Lymphatic conditions
Acute and chronic fatigue
Menstrual problems
Hormonal Complications
Frozen shoulder
Bowel issues
Knee and ankle pain
Tennis elbow